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UG not turning off

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:29 am
by Tony310864
I was lucky enough to get a Ultragauge MX for birthday/fathers day, So far I have done much with it as the ultra gauge runs the battery flat overnight.
What settings are people using so that the gauge will power off and not flatten the battery overnight?


Re: UG not turning off

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:59 am
by saeb
Cannot say I have ever had an issue. Mine shuts downs about 10 seconds or so after the ignition is turned off.

Maybe lodge a support ticket on their website as their replies have generally been quite fast. From memory make sure you have your receipt number handy.

Do you have anything else plugged into the other OBD socket by any chance?

Re: UG not turning off

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:36 am
by Tony310864
Thanks Stewart,
I have tried it as delivered, I have also tried changing the power off settings.
It seems like it has shut down but the next day the battery is flat, I do not have anything pluged into the other obd port and I have not made any other electrical changes.

Re: UG not turning off

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 10:44 am
by Tony310864
It would seem that I have got this sorted.

The unit was shutting down, the problem was the power on setting.
In the default setting the UG was trying to power up which in turn would wake up some of the vehicle modules.
I changed the power on setting to mode 2, in this mode the UG does not power on until it detects a elevated voltage when the alternator starts charging.

I hope this may of use to some else in the future.


Re: UG not turning off

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 2:40 pm
by saeb
Good job Tony, thanks for sharing.

Re: UG not turning off

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 5:56 pm
by Spook
I have also had a flat battery due to the UG so thanks for looking into this and posting the fix.

Re: UG not turning off

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 9:12 pm
by saeb
Just checked and mine was set to mode 2, hence why I had never had the problem.

Re: UG not turning off

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 12:11 pm
by Tony310864
Happy I could help some one with a solution to a problem.
I really hate when people ask for help, get the problem sorted, but don't pass on any feed back.
