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Pedal box and Pre-Collision system

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 6:18 am
by glockss

So was a bit tired of laggy gas pedal. Did purchase a pedal box/windbooster from DTE Systems.
It works perfectly fine, lot of lag is now gone even on lowest setting, however i noticed straigt away that Pre-Collision system is no longer working :? I tend to drive a bit close to the guy in front, so the red light from the hud is my guide :lol:

When Pedal box is disconnected, system functions fine again. When box is connected it stop working. No DTE, no nothing.... just doesn't work.

Everything else seems to works as earlier. Lane assist, ACC, parking sensors and so on. So "HUD" is not functioning and no warnings from IPC on the dash.

Is this a known issue?

Re: Pedal box and Pre-Collision system

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 10:33 am
by saeb
Do not use one.

I suggest telling DTE what you have posted here and let us know the outcome.

Re: Pedal box and Pre-Collision system

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 10:58 am
by RossPat
Return it for a refund.

I use an iDrive and now I wouldn't be without it.

Everything else works as it should.

Re: Pedal box and Pre-Collision system

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 4:13 am
by glockss
Ok. That was weird... So a guy from DTE asked if I could reset faults, even if I didn't had any, and check if that sorts out my problems. And it did. That is weird but everything works perfectly fine now.