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Ford and Ford Dealers

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:44 pm
by saeb
I spent some time the other day to go through some logs, be aware that there are at least 2 members on here from Ford corporate in the USA, I'm not about to name them but it would be nice if they made contact with me.

We also have Ford Aus on here and a number of dealers from around Australia, I'm not about to name and shame but some need to pull their head in. Some do not see the benefit of helping each other, profit gets in the way of humanity and only makes for a lot of unhappy Ford owners. I agree that if an owner stuffs something that the dealer has a right to charge to rectify it but don't look down on them, they are still paying you for the service and if anything it is more profit to you. Smile, talk to them as a paying customer, fix the problem, take payment and smile again. Some service managers really need to change their personality when it comes to the people that actually pay there wage. Without them they would not be employed.

Ideally if the parts I required from Ford to do some of my modifications were at a better price the end result would mean Ford actually sell more of those items to other members, more profit for them again. Win win I say and again if the user break then charge them to fix it. If a dealer wants to talk then feel free to PM me, I'm not about to talk out of school as it is in everyone's best interest.

I could ban them but at the end of the day they will be back. Logs, usernames, email address, log on/off times do give away a lot of information so if they are not seen one way then they are seen another way. Call it intelligent analysys and proxies or alternative logons will not hide it either.

The above was only looked at due to some information that was passed on, generally I have better things to do than search out oddities.

That's my rant, people can help people while still making their profit whilst also improving their name.

Re: Ford and Ford Dealers

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:58 pm
by RossPat
You know how I feel about Ford Stewart.

Purchased two vehicles and nothing but total incompetence from Ford and their dealers.

Leaving me stranded in the country for two days because some dick head from the service department couldn't be bothered returning my call, stupidity to the extreme and that was just the beginning.

I should consider posting for public knowledge my experiences with Ford , the info I sent you Stewart, and there is more.

Would I buy another Ranger, maybe provided it isn't sold by Ford.

Most likely I will stay away from Ford and try Toyota.

I worked at Holden for 20 years and I thought they were incompetent, but compared to Ford they were brilliant.

I could have bought a Colorado for $19,000 less than the Ranger as I have a Gold card but the Colorado is a big piece of USA based crap.

We now all know that Ford can't be trusted, lying to customers for three years about the "transmissions are fine, they got to learn how you drive" as my friend was told as they replaced his third transmission.

Wake up Ford, we the buying public pay your wages, a bit of respect from you and your dealers would be nice.

Re: Ford and Ford Dealers

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:08 pm
by saeb
Breath Ross. I hear your pain but lets keep everyone's negative opinions to a minimum, I'm trying to improve relations.

Maybe members post their thoughts on what Ford could do to help their customer relations? Positive suggestions can go a long way.

Re: Ford and Ford Dealers

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:16 pm
by RossPat
saeb wrote: Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:08 pm Breath Ross. I hear your pain but lets keep everyone's negative opinions to a minimum, I'm trying to improve relations.

Maybe members post their thoughts on what Ford could do to help their customer relations? Positive suggestions can go a long way.
Customer relations, after what happened to me all that happened was I got a call from one of the many you speak to when you call the support number.

The least I expected was a call from someone higher than that, at least I would have had some respect for them.

I asked the guy who called me why didn't someone higher up call and speak to me, he said because Ford don't consider it important enough.

Pretty hard to improve customer relations with that attitude.

Re: Ford and Ford Dealers

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:32 pm
by GerryP
So far my Ranger has been reasonably trouble free and the couple of minor issues I've had have been sorted without any issues. When I've asked for a PCM update or a map update, it's been done, so no complaints from me personally. I do think though that our approach at the dealer's counter or on the phone is important... jump in with guns blazing and you'll get immediate resistance... be polite and ASK for assistance and you'll usually get it.

As for the Ford people on here, I can't understand why they they think they need to hide and not actually let anyone know who they work for. On another caravan manufacturer's forum I'm on, a manufacturer's representative is openly on there and is actually a great source of information and assistance should an owner have any issues. It shows great customer support and attracts many positive comments regarding the brand and the level of support they have for their customers.

So, c'mon out of the woodwork all those Ford members on here... join in and help raise the profile of the company while supporting a bunch of Ford Ranger devotees. :)

Re: Ford and Ford Dealers

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 3:56 pm
by RossPat
I have always been polite, I learnt that years ago.

My positive suggestion, respect goes both ways.

A dealer service manager was at my place for 2 hours on Thursday and we did a lot of chatting.

He is the first to agree that some dealers, sales persons and service managers do need retraining.

As he said, a couple of bad ones makes it harder for all of them.

I have only had one issue, the battery and that was replaced, on the second visit,the first visit would have been better.

Re: Ford and Ford Dealers

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:31 am
by kfa1950
I have been treated well by all the staff at my local Ford dealer where I purchased my new Ranger. The only gripe I have with Ford company is the shitty GPS map (Sync 3), it's options and the lack of updates available.

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

Re: Ford and Ford Dealers

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:51 pm
by hoges
Come on Ford work with us not spy on us please.

Re: Ford and Ford Dealers

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:26 pm
by seventh
I think it would be great if they worked in with the owners, and the site. But if they are here to hamstring owners for being passionate about their vehicles that's a different story.