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Pcm update

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:21 pm
by Brad66
Hi, my PCM shows
part no: EB3G-12A650-LE
Latest known : EB3G-12A650-BMU
Strategy :EB3G-14C204-BMJ
Hardware :EB3A-12B684-BC

My question is, if my Ford Dealer has done the latest update on the PCM, will these numbers change.
If so which ones and what should they change to?

Thanks Br
I should add that I have just paid 150 dollars for dealer to update pcm and these numbers haven't changed.
Suspecting they didn't do it at all?

Re: Pcm update

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:43 pm
by CatHerder
In the context of a PCM update, then PART NO (operating system) and STRATEGY (configuration) have the potential to change. However, there is nothing to stop an update reloading what is already there. It would be silly, but it would fulfil your request...
My guess is that STRATEGY is the only thing that would typically change unless a serious issue has been identified. Most cars go through their life with the same PART NO and STRATEGY unless there is a fault. Just because the vehicle made after yours has different software doesn't mean your car will be better if 'upgraded'.

Re: Pcm update

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 11:31 pm
by saeb
Did you delete your vehicle profile then rescan fresh or use your old vehicle profile? I suggest you used the existing profile.

Start a new one an report back.

On Ian's post.

Part number is the actual hardware part number of the module. Yes it goes through hardware revisions, part is year then part then revision.
Strategy is the current calibration loaded or bin.

Re: Pcm update

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 2:41 pm
by Brad66
Thanks Stewart and Ian
I deleted and rescaned and yes the stragety has now changed.
Thanks for your replies