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Sure am confused about Forscan adapters!

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 4:51 am
by bt50dude
Hi there, my apologies in advance people---although fairly computer literate, I hail from the condenser/points era so am certainly that old fart struggling with all this new car tech!
I am hoping that someone would be kind enough to help clarify what system (Forscan or otherwise)I should be looking at to best fit my needs, as the more I read up on these things the worse its getting!

We purchased a new 3.2 manual Bt50 a couple of years ago and with a central Aussie "adventure" on the horizon, can see the obvious advantages of having an electronic means of reading and resetting fault codes especially in more remote regions.

I am not looking to change/personalise anything on the car---just after that emergency diagnostic and features to "get out of jail free card".

We normally carry an Android phone and tablet and on bigger trips with take a Win10 Lappy.

I Guess I am really after a more newbie friendly diagnostic/clear codes system (so I cant stuff things up) and am thinking Forscan Lite with an OBD MX+ adapter?
Or would the various Ultra/Scan Gauges give me the same or more diagnostics and functionality as Forscan?
Any thoughts would be very much appreciated.

Re: Sure am confused about Forscan adapters!

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 7:45 pm
by saeb
In your case, Forscan Lite with an OBD MX+ adapter would be fine. It will allow you to view DTCs in all modules and clear them in necessary.

Being you have a BT50/PX1 you would not be making any programming changes anyway.

Re: Sure am confused about Forscan adapters!

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 5:47 pm
by bt50dude
Hi Stewart, cool---will certainly go that way.
Thank you very much for your help.

Re: Sure am confused about Forscan adapters!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:06 pm
by bt50dude
Hi Stewart--just a heads up--- if you missed it?
Tried to download Forscan Lite today in anticipation of my new toy arriving :)
Looking through the Forscan site forums it seems that out of the blue ----Lite has currently been taken down!

Re: Sure am confused about Forscan adapters!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:45 pm
by saeb
Yep, just saw it. Someone is playing games with Google and making complaints I assume.

Hopefully it will be resolved soon.