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Sports mode operation

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 6:30 pm
by apsilon
Just wondering if it's possible to alter the way sports mode/manual shift mode works? It'd be nice if when you move the lever into the manual gate that manual shift mode starts operating right away rather than it continuing to operate in auto until you manually shift. It would, IMO make it far more useful. Right now if I flick it into what should be manual mode for say a long descent, I have to shift down or up, both of which are away from where I want it to stay in order for manual mode to activate.

Is it possible to change this behaviour?

Re: Sports mode operation

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 10:25 pm
by saeb
Leave it as it is. With larger than standard tyres I flick mine to auto sports mode around town and when towing for better fuel economy.

There maybe a change to be made in the TCM and I may have some answers when some hardware I'm waiting on arrives from Russia.