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No ELM Found

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 9:36 am
by BigMonjie
Hi All,

I am trying to hook up to Forscan with the Forscan USB Dongle I got from the shop(SKU: FORUSB) and am getting a No ELM Found.
I am thinking it might be my end as I am running a MacBook with Paralells Desktop, this software allows me to run Windows in Parallel to the Mac OS.
Forscan.png (940.39 KiB) Viewed 121 times
Forscan.png (940.39 KiB) Viewed 121 times
Parallels Desktop is running Windows 7. I have tried shutting down windows/restarting Forscan software, unplugging/plugging the USB Dongle at both ends and turning the vehicle on and off.

Has any else on here ever run Forscan through a MacBook or similar? Or is there something that I am doing wrong.

I have also followed saeb how to guide to a Tee(link below).


Here is a pic heading from back from Albany to Margaret River the day after we picked her up.
DJI_0053.JPG (6.15 MiB) Viewed 121 times
DJI_0053.JPG (6.15 MiB) Viewed 121 times
Thanks in Advance

Re: No ELM Found

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:55 pm
by saeb
I can't say I have tested it through parallels. I will check to see if I still have it installed and if so will test and get back to you. If not a Teamviewer session may be required to look at a few things.

Nice pic by the way!!

Re: No ELM Found

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 6:45 am
by Stormtrooper
I'm using mine with parallels with no issues.
I'm running windows 10 though.

The only thing I can think of is:
You need to do it in this sequence.
Start windows first before plugging in the USB dongle if you're not doing so already.

If you are, when you plug the USB in it should ask you whether you want it connected to Mac or windows. Choose windows.
If you're not getting this option then it's not recognising the USB device.

If you do get the option and you've chosen windows then open forscan and ensure that the correct port has been selected in com port option.
It's usually the one in the brackets. Eg: (com 4 USB) or something to that effect.

Hope this helps.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: No ELM Found

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:59 am
by BigMonjie
Thanks guys for the responses, I may have not had the correct port selected. I will give that a go and update the thread.

My wife and I took that driving from Margaret River to Albany over the weeekend. Beautiful Country down that way.

Here are some from Quinn’s Rocks watching the sunset.
9656DB9F-B6B1-4DC6-8232-5741E6C9D41A.jpeg (367.59 KiB) Viewed 96 times
9656DB9F-B6B1-4DC6-8232-5741E6C9D41A.jpeg (367.59 KiB) Viewed 96 times
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E6BEB698-C998-44F7-908D-97958BBF2A18.jpeg (1.65 MiB) Viewed 96 times

Re: No ELM Found

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 12:15 am
by BigMonjie
Thanks for your help gents, was able to connect to Forscan tonight.
I now have an accurate DTE reading👌🏼 For the rest of my 1800km drive home.

Re: No ELM Found

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 5:43 am
by Stormtrooper
Your welcome.
Great photos!
Enjoy your trip and stay safe.
