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Making headlight patch leads

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:23 pm
by Corndog
Ok. I've crimped a lot of lugs and types over the years but this one is getting to me.
I've decided to make up some leads to go between the headlight plugs and the headlight. This would save cutting into any original wiring, instead I'd be using my wiring. I got some plugs with lugs and some cable from out of the shed and gave it a go. Cable might have been a touch big, 1.5mm2 from some leads I had lying around. Crimped up some wires and tried to fit them into the plugs. No matter how I tried I could just not get the buggers into the plugs. They would go in a distance then stop and the cable would bend, no way would they go further. Took the plugs apart and tried piece by piece assembly. Then gave up. I bought more plugs, pins, thinner wire and a new crimper as the original was just not good enough.
Just sat down to give it another go and guess what. Bloody plugs, bloody pins,bloody wire, but the crimper is good. Have taken the plug apart and still no joy. In the end the pins bent over and broke off. Too hard to work with with 8 wires.

No comes the question. Who out there can give any tips to getting these thing together? Is there an insertion tool to get the pins in? Is there some trick to this or do I have to stick my tongue out on the left side and upwards? Got to be an easier way that works.

Re: Making headlight patch leads

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:53 pm
by Corndog
All sorted. Crimp on the insulation end was slightly flat. A squeeze with the pliers rounded it out and pin went in with some help.

Re: Making headlight patch leads

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:55 am
by saeb
Or just buy pre made patch plug from lightforce to achieve the same thing. ... connector/