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Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 4:00 pm
by Freelancer1956
Hi, somewhere on this excellent site I found a number of PIDs for various functions.
On my 2016 Ford Ranger I just set up the TPMS in my new Scangauge with the LHF RHF RHR LHR variables etc
All good - thank you for publishing these codes !
I tested using a quality hand gauge

Front tyres were 42PSI, Back were 44PSI
But the Scangauge readings also 44 and 42PSI were swapped around front to back.

I'm guessing its because the wheels have been rotated a few times and the sensors mixed up.

I can easily fix this by letting some air out of each tyre, observe the pressure and renaming LHF etc etc

But I was wondering if there's anyway to get the Ranger computer itself to "relearn" where its left and right, front and back wheel sensors are now sitting


Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 5:00 pm
by RossPat
You will need a TPMS retraining tool available through this site.

It you read the post about 3 down from this one titled TPMS Training that will explain what to do.


Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 6:24 pm
by MikeK
Also, when you are checking the pressure for each Tyre, the sensors will go into sleep mode after a while. Once this happens, the readings won’t change no matter how much air you put in or let out. Spinning the wheels or driving around for a minute will wake up the sensors.

I learned this while setting up my gauge.

[edit: I just noticed this forum software automatically changes “t i r e” to “Tyre”. I thought someone was editing my posts to correct the regional spelling.]


Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 10:18 pm
by saeb
Sorry Mike but some people tend to use spell check which is usually set to US english. I based the auto correction for a few words on the Australian dictionary.


Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 11:18 am
by MikeK
No worries...I thought it was funny. :-)