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Injector Rattle/Tapping sound?

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:24 pm
by NathanSA
Hi Guys,

I finally managed to get a sound clip of the tapping my injectors make on my 2017 2.2
Latest PCM update and occurs whether engine hot or cold and same with hot or cold ambient temperature.

Used different injector cleaners, and brands of diesel.
PCM and injector learn, etc have been reset.

This happens under mid load, steady throttle acceleration from 2000rpm to about 2800rpm.

What are your thoughts?

Hopefully sound clip loads...

Re: Injector Rattle/Tapping sound?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 10:14 am
by cmar1
Try some Fuel Dr, worked for the same thing in my 3.2. I too tried a few different cleaners, additives, without much of a difference.
I know, I know, snake oil, sampling error, wishful thinking etc but in this case it did make a difference, was immediately a little quieter, but did get progressively better over a few succeeding tanks. Same thing, light load mild acceleration, about 2-2500 rpm. It's still there a tiny bit, but was much louder than yours to begin with, I kept checking the oil because I thought it was low, causing noisy hydraulic lifters.

Re: Injector Rattle/Tapping sound?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 6:59 pm
by NathanSA
Thanks for that.
Tried lubricity improvers, etc even (horrors) 2SO in the tank...

Is this the Fuel Dr you refer to:

If so, then i can get that here in South Africa:

I'll give it a go then.
Did you do the initial fill dosage of 500ml per 100l for each tank or only the first tank?

Have you continued to use Fuel Dr?
If you have stopped using it, did the injectors remain quieter?

My concern with all this is that the injectors are actually on their way out and will cause damage down the line regardless of whether I get them quieter. Unless it is just dirt that gets cleaned off with this treatment.

Re: Injector Rattle/Tapping sound?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:57 am
by cmar1
Yes that's the right stuff. Yes I still use it, so I'm not sure if they would stay quiet or not if I stopped. I should give it a try. I live in the subtropics here so water in fuel is always a possibility so I've kept on using it.

Re: Injector Rattle/Tapping sound?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:34 pm
by NathanSA
What dosage are you still using though? Still the 500ml per 100l ratio?