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Extra Dash Module for Ranger

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 12:32 pm
by RangerNator2
Hi Guys,

I am making a bunch of mods to my new ranger and one of them planned is:

Step 1) create a wireless link for the roof switch panel that replaces the glasses holder. As you press a button the corresponding relay would activate in the receiver module.

The receiver would control a bunch of corresponding relays and be installed behind the rear seat in the cabin.

Step 2) replace the switch panel with an LCD touch screen that could control a bunch of things and maybe even display gauges. Swipe and then you get a bunch of buttons, swipe and something elseappears.

Anyone interested - I am open to requests and ideas.

Not sure if it is worth it, as ARB have just announced the linx product which retails for $800 AUD.
Curious about your thoughts ?


Re: Wireless Switch Module

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 7:07 pm
by saeb
There are tons of wifi and bluetooth relay modules out there and most have a nice little app for your phone. Using a phone may be another possibility if you want to turn things on and off while sitting back in your camp chair. Although sometime simplicity is nicer as there is less to go wrong.

Good luck with your project as it does sound interesting. Be sure to give us updates on your progress.

Re: Wireless Switch Module

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 10:31 pm
by RangerNator2
Hi Saeb,

The project has grown somewhat, prototype will be ready just after Christmas and it will do a lot more. Will Share plans shortly.
I will post video and photos.

I managed to get a BT Link to ODB interface working from my controller, I need a little help with the codes needed to interrogate the Ranger ODB interface and get useful information, like TPMS details, can you help please ?

Where can I get a list of codes that I could query and get useful information for the Ranger ?

This is the colour touch screen I will use for the panel, I have bought a 7" and a 5" to see which fits best: Approx $100AUD each. ... SwVJhZPAac

This will sit either over the Centre Radio Screen or where the glasses holder is on the cabin roof. Have not decide yet.

I will take photos and post. Also happy to build units for others. It will be cheap and configurable.

Screens proposed for the Main Controller:

1) Remote Switch Control
a. Allow the control of devices via wireless 100m range - so no wiring harnesses required through firewall. Making the cabin more water tight.
b. Allow monitoring and Control of modules installed on towed trailers
c. Future - Allow monitoring of Van items eg: Water level, Battery Level, air suspension, etc
2) TPMS Screen
a. Step 1 - Display at default 4 Tyres - Pressure, temp, anything else ?
b. Step 2 - allow addition of trailer TPMS & Spare Tyres
3) Shocks Temperature Display
4) Gauges
a. Read Vehicle parameters and display gauges
b. Need input as to which gauges are useful ?
c. Introduce Everest 4x4 screen showing longitudinal inclination, elevation, lateral inclination, etc I will need Everest dash images to put into the screen. Can you help ?
4) Modes of Operation
a. Allow configuration of ODB parameters - eg: 4WD mode, city mode
so these modes can be set by the controller by programming parameters via ODB interface.
i. Eg Chimes, lights, etc.
ii. Need input as to which modes are useful from the group ?
5) Config & Setup Screens.
a. Screen to link up remote relay devices via addressing.

Guys this is currently in the concept/design stage, I am prototyping it to see how this goes.
So please make requests, suggestions, or tell me if something is not useful, or do you have an idea for a screen, etc.


Re: Wireless Switch Module

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 8:18 am
by PTnLinda
Sounds like a great idea. I definately would be interested in the finished product. Wish I had the smarts for this type of project.

Re: Wireless Switch Module

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:15 am
by Sports
That screen looks great, WYSIWYG software included, gives me idea's for other projects.
I assume you'll be running a Raspberry Pi or similar for the OS and apps running Android?

If I had a wish list for this it would be multi windows, having two or more applications running simultaneously is a great benefit.
Great project watching with interest.

Re: Wireless Switch Module

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:22 am
by RangerNator2
Not for the first version. Using Arduino mostly, but it is coming together quickly. The biggest issue at the moment is finding ODB codes to request through the BT interface.
Been busy with this and other projects and havent hard time to reasearch the Ranger ODB properly. Hoping I can get help from someone at this forum.

Re: Extra Dash Module for Ranger

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:07 pm
by saeb
Use these viewtopic.php?f=14&t=183 PIDS for the minute while testing. I will give you all the BCM PIDS when I get a chance, I thought I had posted them but it seems not.

Re: Extra Dash Module for Ranger

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 8:11 am
by RangerNator2
AWESOME - Thank you Dear Sir !

Re: Extra Dash Module for Ranger

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 4:58 pm
by chucknitro
Sorry to revive a very old thread, but any progress or result?

Re: Extra Dash Module for Ranger

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:11 pm
by RangerNator2
Sorry, slow progress. But will update the thread with a demo. Idess and feature suggestions also welcomed.

Re: Extra Dash Module for Ranger

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:14 pm
by Eha002
Any progress?