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Output Value for TPMS - PSI to Bar

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:27 am
by MikeK
I added the TPMS gauges identified in the Ultragauge Mgauge Listings thread and want to change the values from PSI to Bar. In Germany, all Tyre pressures and gauges are in Bars, not PSI.

What is the output of the data call for the Tyre pressure? From the math function, it appears the value is being divided by two before being displayed. Normally, the PSI is divided by 14.504 to give the Bar equivalent. If I understand what I'm reading in the code, the output must be divided by 29 (really 29.008) and the L/R value set to 12 to display the Tyre pressure as X.XX Bar. The hex value for decimal 29 is 001D.

If I am correct, this should be the change in each of the Tyre pressure gauge settings to display the output in Bar:

X: 0001 /: 001D +: 0000
OUT: 05 AVE: 00
L/R: 12

It's too late tonight to make and test any changes, but please let me know if this is correct. If not, what are the correct changes?

I also noticed some strange behavior in the Tyre pressure displays on the UG. Either my Flaig Tyre pressure gauge is worth the money and my skills at filling the Tyres are fantastic, or there is something wrong with the gauge program. When I configured the gauge settings last night, and tested the UG on my cold truck, each of the Tyre pressure readings was 35.65 PSI. I had each Tyre filled to 2.4 Bar a few weeks earlier, but think it's a bit of a stretch to think I could have filled each Tyre to the same amount. If the rain stops tomorrow, I'll intentionally change the pressure in each Tyre to different values to see if the UG follows.

Re: Output Value for TPMS

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:26 am
by MikeK
I can confirm the values in my original post are correct for my truck. The problems I observed yesterday were because my truck had not moved in several hours before I changed the settings. Apparently, the wheels have to turn for a while in order for the sensors to wake up and start transmitting information. I increased the pressure in each Tyre to 2.6 Bar, and the readings are between 2.59 and 2.61.

Re: Output Value for TPMS

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 12:16 am
by saeb
MikeK wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:26 am I can confirm the values in my original post are correct for my truck. The problems I observed yesterday were because my truck had not moved in several hours before I changed the settings. Apparently, the wheels have to turn for a while in order for the sensors to wake up and start transmitting information. I increased the pressure in each Tyre to 2.6 Bar, and the readings are between 2.59 and 2.61.
Good work Mike!!

Yes they will go to sleep after approx 10min of no rotation to save on battery usage.